What’s new in version 2.40
Wall of Ideas
Release 2.40 brings a lot of innovations for the popular feature Wall of Ideas (WOI). With the WOI it is possible to display feedback and impressions of participants during the event. Users can post texts or photos on the wall. These postings can then be marked with a “Like” or be commented by other participants and can be integrated into lectures or workshops.
What’s new is that from now on a group based rights management in the CMS can determine which actions (post, like, comment) may be carried out within the selected group.
By extending the moderation function in the CMS, the release of posts can only be enabled by the moderator. That means that users write a comment, this is checked by the moderator in the CMS and published after successful release.
Furthermore it is possible from now on to share content for the WOI directly from the CMS. Event managers and organizers can now also post directly to the WOI. The integration of deep links, which can lead to a custom page with further information, also simplifies the sharing of important material.
Easy access to the CMS
Thanks to a newly designed dashboard in the CMS, it will be easier for event managers to get along in the future. The new view appears after the selection of an event and offers then alternatively a direct entrance into the CMS, an overview of current articles in the Blog or Webinar videos as well as the possibility of directly getting in touch with the distribution team. The dashboard will be constantly enhanced and will provide an even better overview of the selected event in the future.
Feedback questionnaire
plazz AG wants to continuously improve its products and meet the constantly changing requirements. Therefore it is important to receive customer feedback on which the ongoing work on our products can be based. Five days after the end of their event, all related event managers receive an automatic e-mail and are asked to make a brief evaluation of the cooperation and the MEA. Please take the opportunity to send us your feedback and thus contribute to an improvement of the product.