The Pre-Event Page

The Pre-Event Page
Mobile Event App Team
pre event page - laptop

The First Impression Counts!

How do you share the first information about an event? By e-mail? You either write a short mail, with some information, such as place and date, whereby further information will be sent in follow-up mails. Or you create a comprehensive explanation, which results in an almost endless text.

For this purpose, plazz AG has a digital solution at hand – the Pre-Event Page. It’s your own website for your event. In short, you can present first information about your event in an appealing way and share it with your guests. This page serves as a central point of contact for updates and details before the event has started. To do so, you would only have to contact your guests once and add the link to your Pre-Event Page. From there, all further communication takes place. Either on your Pre-Event Page or later within the App.


Presentation And Integration Of Content

Even though the Pre-Event Page can display a variety of complex content, its creation and customization are easy. Simply drag an element to the desired location and then configure it accordingly. You can also integrate the registration of your participants. For this purpose, you can use our in-house solution registr or link to external providers. The Mobile Event App will also be linked so that your users can install it quickly and easily on their smartphones.

The Pre-Event Page itself is highly customizable. You can easily integrate different kinds of content and media. This could be videos, images or even live streams. If you want to integrate special content, we will gladly discuss with you how this can be done best. Examples of content would be the presentation of keynotes and their speakers, attending VIPs, special features of the location or a description of how to get to the event.

You can place special attention on your agenda. Give your guests an overview of the course of your event in advance. If you make changes to the agenda in the content management system, they will of course be synchronized immediately. You could also place the pre-event page on displays around your event for example and use it interactively as an information platform, where guests can quickly find information about the program, if they don’t have their smartphone at hand.


pre event page - virtuelle events

The Pre-Event Page For Virtual Events

The implementation of a pre-event page for virtual events is very similar to the use of physical events. However, the focus here is much more on the use as a virtual event portal outside the app.

Link to content within your app. This could be custom pages, surveys or agenda items, for example. It is particularly suitable for agenda items with integrated live streams. Once clicked either the web app opens or, if installed, the native app of the user’s smartphone.

Make your Pre-Event Page dynamic and replace content at different points in time. During the keynote, for example, you can place information about it prominently or present highlights at the end of the event. Since the page can be set up quickly and easily, it is possible to adjust or exchange content at any time.


Are you interested in the Pre-Event Page or would you like to learn more about its implementation? Then contact our team at, for a personal consultation.