Features In Focus – The Agenda

Features In Focus – The Agenda
Mobile Event App Team

Event Radar – Issue 4

The agenda is the heart of every event. But how can you convey all relevant Information effectively? That will be the topic we discuss, in this week’s issue of event radar.


Planung & Aufbereitung der Daten

Make sure that you prepare a rough but clear draft of the agenda, to simplify the future planning of individual items. Especially if complications occur, this overview will immensely come in handy. Create the final agenda on the basis of your rough draft, preferably in an Excel file.

Just as an example, the Content Management System of the Mobile Event App allows you to import agendas. If you create your planned program in a proper format, you can quickly implement changes with just a few clicks on a broad scale.


Agenda Detail

Keep your title and content short. That way you will avoid overwhelming your participants and only convey the most important information. The Mobile Event App for example, is able to link custom pages, which provide more detailed information, in the description of each agenda item. You can also enable users to create notes or ask questions beforehand within the agenda item.

Integrate room details and link specific areas with the location map, to optimal inform every person. Categorize your agenda items, to allow your guests to filter their agenda. Additional you can regulate the visibility of agenda items, so only a specified group of people sees them. This will enable you to have a complex agenda, that won’t look messy or chaotic.


Mobile Event App

All aspects mentioned above can be easily and quickly realized with the Mobile Event App. It will help you to digitally distribute a clear and structured agenda. Inspire your participants with intuitive features and motivate them at the same time, to actively engage with the event and bring themselves in.


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