Release 2.28

Release 2.28
Mobile Event App Team

What’s new in version 2.28

Mobile Event App

With the Container App, which is available to you for the first time from Release 2.28, we are responding to Apple’s new requirements for modular apps. Existing customers who have already published an app via our account or their own on iTunes or Google Play Store will continue to receive updates and can continue to use the Mobile Event App.

New customers now have the opportunity to sell their event within the MEA and thus continue to design events interactively. In return, you receive an independent CMS in which you can edit your events and content. Participants download the Mobile Event App from the Google Play Store or iTunes and it will display their individual app.

Die Startseite der MEA Universal

Participants receive a code that unlocks their app and makes it visible in the MEA. This can be done by keyboard input or by scanning a QR code. The individual branding of your app comes into effect from this step. Login to the app is possible via e-mail and password or optionally with guest access.  On request, your app can also be displayed publicly in the MEA – in this case your participants do not need to enter the code.

Eventcode Eingabe in der MEA Universal

There are several advantages of the MEA: The delivery time of your app takes up to 3 working days and is therefore many times faster than that of a custom app, which is first submitted to Android or Apple stores and has to be activated externally. Furthermore, your individual branding remains secure, since there aren’t (apart from the provision process) much changes for the users after entering the code.  


For further questions regarding offers and the new MEA please contact or