plazz Compliance – TISAX certification

plazz Compliance – TISAX certification
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plazz Compliance - TISAX Zertifizierung

plazz AG is TISAX certified

Information security is essential for cooperation. For this reason, the TISAX certification was created. And plazz AG has already been in possession of this TISAX certification for several years. In this blog post we will explain which essential role the certificate plays in companies.


TISAX Background

Since the Corona pandemic, companies can no longer imagine life without terms such as digitalization, networking or cloud applications. Advancing technological developments are shaping the world as a “new normal” and making it more livable in every respect. However, this also creates dangers and risks. The possibility of hacking attacks on companies and their digital infrastructure is greatly increased.


Information Security Assessment

Due to the low inhibition threshold and the low resources required for an attack, it is essential to protect the company’s digital infrastructure. For this reason, TISAX was created. The English acronym stands for “Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange”. It is thus more of an expert opinion. Not only of IT security, but of information security as a whole.


ENX Association ensures transparency

Behind the TISAX standard is the supporting organization “ENX Association“. It maintains a central and monitored database called “ENX Yellow Pages“. This database is public and ensures transparency. This means that all companies rated according to TISAX can be viewed at any time, together with their location and registration number. The advantage of this central solution is a daily updated overview of the validity of the information security status of a company. Have a look directly at plazz AG in this database!


More information about the framework and procedures for maintaining the certificate can be found at the following link:


More information about plazz AG can be found on our corporate homepage or our product pages and

Please contact our sales team, if you have any questions regarding an offer or personal consultation.