Admission Management In Times Of Covid-19

Admission Management In Times Of Covid-19
Mobile Event App Team

Restriction Loosening For Events, With A Caveat

Although the danger caused by the corona virus has not yet been averted, there are still positive developments taking place. At least this is the opinion of certain federal states, which are already working on a plan to relax the imposed contact restrictions so far. Among other things, this will also affect events such as conferences and congresses.

However, even a relaxation will require that social distancing rules and other safety precautions are to be obeyed. This presents event managers with some new challenges. One example would be admission management or the check-in. However, digital innovations and technical know-how can find a way to overcome this hurdle!


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Check-in App As A Solution

With the Check-in App by plazz AG, this new challenge can be easily overcome. Whether for access to the event, lectures or workshops – you will be able to regulate admissions digitally and uncomplicated. Enable your participants to check in contactless via QR codes! This also means that you do not need hostesses, which further reduces the direct personal contact between people.

Users receive the QR Code either by e-mail or find it in their participant profile. Upon entering the event or workshop, the QR code is scanned and thus grants admission to the person. Without the need of any physical contact or long waiting queues. The check-out process, at the end of the event or session will work on the same basis.

More information about the Check-in App can also be found on our homepage or in our corresponding white paper.

check-in app plazz website - engCheck-in App information on the plazz homepage


Another important aspect of loosening restrictions is the close tracing of people, should there be suspicions or even a confirmed infection. Regarding these scenarios, our system can be an enormous help.

Every successful check-in and check-out is documented in the system. Should it become necessary to trace a person, you can use it to locate specific contact points. Thus, you will also be able to better meet the demands of the current situation.


Are you planning an event? Then our Mobile Event App could be just what you need!
More information is available on our homepage. Or just contact our sales team, for a personal consultation.